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December 22, 2023 Packaging Guide
Brands prefer custom boxes because they want to cast a splendid impression on their customers. To make custom boxes attractive and catchy different types of printings are used. Among all of the printing processes digit printing is the most cost-effective and fastest process.
Specifically for a shorter run, this is an ideal process as it gives high-quality printing without burdening the packaging budget. Previously digital printing was not one of the most preferred methods as it failed to give high-quality graphics on the boxes, but now with the advancement of technology, it is possible to get HD-quality printed images by using this process. In today’s blog, we’ll learn the top 10 ways in which digital printing can transform your business.
Before going towards the advantages of digital printing let’s get a basic understanding of what this process is. It is not a new printing technique used in the custom boxes market; it has been used for quite a long period of time. But today its use has increased tremendously due to its advanced features and ability to give the best results. In this process, the digital design or PDF of your design is printed directly onto the substrate i.e. the paper.
Unlike the other printing processes, powdered ink is used with the help of inkjet or laser printer in digital printing. The inks melt into the required artwork and give high-definition images. There are 3 types of printings used:
In this type, heat is used to transfer the inks to the substrate. For simple artwork, this type of digital printing is an ideal option. Brands can get their desired artwork on the boxes with high accuracy.
As the name of the process indicates, heat is used to print the artwork on the boxes. Here the pre-coated paper material such as cardboard, Kraft, or corrugated material undergoes a process in which heat is applied to change the color of the coated design. Some brands prefer this process for their custom packaging boxes because direct thermal printing can be used to print serial numbers, cash registers, and markings of different types.
Here also heat is used for melting inks. This process also gives precise images but the colors fade easily which is why it is less preferred to print custom boxes.
For the customization of boxes, the digital printing process is one of the most commonly used methods and this is because of its diverse nature, fastest turnout, and cost-effectiveness. When a brand chooses digit printing to design its boxes it can transform its business in the following ways:
This process is simple as it does not contain a lot of tools and mechanisms. Here the soft form of the artwork is printed directly onto the packaging material. Most brands are not satisfied with the first design and want some changes but due to the complexities of the whole process, this freedom is restricted to a larger extent. Nonetheless, in digital printing, you can easily demand any changes if you are not satisfied with the prototype design.
Brands spend money on the customization of their boxes because they want to cast a memorable and good impression on the customers. That is why every brand demands artwork that looks impeccable and professional. With the help of digital printing, you can attain high-end accuracy.
When customers see your boxes with the refined design they will instantly decide in favor of your brand. Digital printing fulfills the 97% criterion of PMS and exactly mirrors the designs that the designers have created.
The demand for digital printing has been increasing tremendously as the recent advancements in technology have made it easy to get flawless designs. Today this process is highly automated so there are fewer chances of human error.
The series of automated processes allows us to check the quality of press runs, make quick adjustments, and improve the quality of the artwork. This way you can easily satisfy your customers and give them a professional impression of your brand.
Although other printing processes give the best results they are not as flexible as digital processes are. Say in offset printing finest quality boxes can be manufactured but in this custom printing plates are required to be prepared for the whole process. Nonetheless in digital printing, there are no such things required so you can print substrates of any shape easily.
The surge in the demand for custom boxes is mainly due to one reason which is the ability of the boxes to promote yourself. Brands can ask their packaging companies about their logo placement in any design with any desired color to get an unconventional and unbeatable marketing tool.
For small packaging businesses, digital printing is a holy grail as here we do not have to invest a lot of money to set up your company. The simple reason for this is that digital printing requires minimal tools and little expertise for the designing of boxes.
As we know in other printing methods multiple tools are required and high-end professional skills are inevitable which is why these methods become slightly expensive. On the other hand digital printing is exempt from such things so it is quite affordable for the manufacturer as well as the customers.
The cost per unit product is very small due to low set-up cost. So if you want a custom retail packaging with perfect graphics but low prices then digital printing is an ideal process for you.
Among all the good things about custom boxes is that it is a rapid process. You will not have to wait for your orders for days as this is an expedited process with reduced tooling. In this process, inks are readily dry so the remaining packaging process can be done easily.
Many brands think that the digital printing process is not for high-end packaging but the reality is quite contrary. Digital printing allows micro texts that can keep any kind of spamming at bay from your brand.
You can use this micro text to halt the duplication of your product. In addition to the use of holographic seals, you can use markers or micro texts on the boxes and give high-end security to your brand name.
We cannot say that digital printing is 100% eco-friendly but when compared to other printing processes it is far much better than the rest. Here one does not require a pre-press procedure which includes proofing, imposition, and creation of printing plates.
The elimination of these processes makes digital printing an environmentally friendly process. Apart from this, with the selection of soy or water-based colors, you can further enhance the sustainability of this process.
The profitability of any brand hinges on only one thing which is the best first impression and digital printing helps you attain this with ease. This process will transform your business due to its multiple beneficial features like cost-effectiveness, design precision, speed, etc. If you are looking for this kind of printing process to get your outstanding custom boxes then contact CustomBoxesMarket and start leading the market.
Custom Printing
Packaging Guide
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